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Ho do you ensure data confidentiality?

We respect the privacy and security of all our clients and sign confidentiality agreements with all third parties we work with.

Who do you sign confidentiality agreements with?

We sign confidentiality agreements with all third parties, including our office staff, freelancers, technology solution partners, DTP department, digital marketing and creative team, multimedia team and quality department.

Which languages do you offer services in?

In all languages of the world. With our translation and localization solutions, we became the number one brand in Turkey while ranking among the 200 largest translation companies in the world.

When can you deliver my project?

How long it takes to complete a translation project depends on the size of the project, the languages to be translated, the subject area and the quality controls you prefer. In the detailed project analysis we give you the best deadline for your project. We provide fast, high-quality and consistent translation services using our advanced translation technologies and automation project management systems. At the same time, thanks to the cloud-based technologies used, you are able to track the progress of your project online via our client portal.

Do you offer a guarantee for the accuracy of the translations you do?

We offer maximum customer satisfaction with all our services. With our quality certificates and automated processes, we always strive for quality. We offer translation insurance coverage of up to ₺250,000 to cover any financial losses caused by translation errors!

What are your specialties?

Thanks to our industry-oriented approach, we offer translation and localization solutions for every industry in all languages of the world. Discover our specialties:

  • Academic documents
  • IT
  • Maritime industry translations
  • Electronics industry translations
  • Translation services for the energy industry
  • Industry translations
  • Business & finance
  • Translation services for the food industry
  • Legal texts
  • Import and export translations
  • Logistics translation
  • Medical texts
  • Translation of media texts
  • Translation of automotive texts
  • Translation of marketing texts
  • Translation services for the retail industry

  • Tourism and hotel management translations
  • Telecommunications translations
  • Translation services for the Insurance industry
  • Defense industry translations
  • Life sciences translations
  • Software translations
  • Sworn translation services
  • Notarized translation
  • Translation of multimedia texts
  • Content localization
  • Translation of immigration documents
  • Technical translations
  • Literary translations
  • Official document translations
  • Interpreting services

What is certified translation?

Certified translations are done by translators approved by a public notary. Certified translations, usually requested by consulates and government agencies, bear the translator’s signature and stamp.

What is a notarized translation?

Notarized translations are notarially certified translations by sworn translators. We offer notarized translation services requested by government agencies, consulates and various institutions for free.

What is an apostille?

Unlike certified or notarized translations, some foreign institutions require an apostille approval for translation documents issued by the district governorship or the consulate. In the event that your overseas documents require an apostille, we also offer the option of express delivery.

Can you ensure that my translated documents are approved by the notary?

In the case of notarized translations, the notaries do not certify translations done by translators not certified by them. For this reason, we must first check and confirm your translated texts. You can then have your translations certified by our network notaries.

What is DTP?

DTP means desktop publishing. With our desktop publishing specialists, we design your documents in their original format and convert printed documents into text with optical character recognition.

What does QA/automated check mean?

At EDU Çeviri, we operate a quality-oriented business model. We improve translation quality by approximately 10% by performing QA checks on translated texts e.g. segment differences between source and target languages, headline errors, spelling and spacing errors, repetitions, numbers and dates.

What are the differences between simultaneous and consecutive interpreting?

Simultaneous is a Latin word and refers to things happening at the same time. So, simultaneous interpreting refers to the instant translation of spoken words. Simultaneous interpreting essentially means an interpreter simultaneously translating spoken words into another language using special equipment, for listeners hearing the translation through headphones.

With consecutive interpreting, the speaker says a few sentences then pauses. The interpreter can then relay what has been said in the target language.

No equipment is needed for consecutive interpreting.

What is proofreading?

Proofreading is an editorial control tool that we apply as one of our quality control mechanisms at EDU Çeviri. Proofreading involves a review by native editors of translated texts that have already been edited, undergone DTP and automated checks in terms of naturalness, fluency and terminology. With proofreading we increase the translation’s quality by up to 40%.

What stages do texts go through during the translation process?

Once your translation request is received, we do a project analysis and work out a price for your project being getting your approval. Then, our dedicated client representatives pick the right translator for your project on the basis of their credentials and experience. We improve translation quality by up to 40% with our four-stage quality control processes and offer you the best quality translation solutions.

Which file formats do you work on?

Thanks to our Desktop Publishing department, which is made up of experienced professionals, EDU Çeviri offers translation services in all formats, including printed and digital.

What is the basic package, which services does it include?

We have divided our translation services into three categories: Basic, Gold and Pro, to better understand our customers’ expectations and offer quotes according to their requirements. In view of the services we are committed to providing, the basic package meets the most basic translation needs, depending on the price and quality expectations. We can summarize the service framework we provide under the Basic package as follows:

  • Translation
  • Automated checks (checks that are performed once the translation is done. For more information, please refer to the title “What does QA/automated check mean?”
  • DTP (Optional)
  • Archiving Service
  • Cargo Service
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Client Portal

Since quality control after translation is limited to automated checks, we recommend the basic package for urgent requirements for internal use where quality expectations are not high. Otherwise, we recommend that you check our Gold and Pro packages.

What is the Gold Package, which services does it include?

After the translation, our editors, who are experts in their field, check the text in the Gold Package. In this process, where the source and target texts are compared, we check the translation against many criteria such as incomplete and inaccurate translations, consistency of terms and styles, adherence to instructions and make the necessary corrections. The Gold Package can be summarized as follows:

  • Translation
  • Editing
  • Automated checks (For more information, please refer to the title “What does QA/automated check mean?”)
  • 3 Stage Quality Control
  • Quality Control Reports (report showing improvements to the translation as proof of changes by editor and proofreader)
  • DTP
  • Archiving Service
  • Cargo Service
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Client portal
  • Notary Service
  • Apostille Service (Optional)
  • Same-Day Delivery with Courier

What is the Pro Package, which services does it include?

In addition to the control processes included in the Basic and Gold packages, our native proofreaders improve the translation in terms of style and grammar, by improving the natural flow of the text in the Pro package. We always make sure that the proofreader assigned to a task is the native speaker of the target language concerned. For instance, a text that has been translated into English is reviewed by a proofreader whose first language is English. The Pro Package contains the following services:

  • Translation
  • Editing
  • Proofreading by Native Speakers
  • Automated checks (For more information, please refer to the title “What does QA/automated check mean?)”
  • 4-Stage Quality Control (automated checks after translation, editing, proofreading, DTP checks)
  • Quality Control Reports (report showing improvements to the translation as proof of changes by editor and proofreader)
  • DTP
  • Archiving Service
  • Cargo Service
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Client Portal
  • Notary Service
  • Apostille Service (Optional)
  • Same-Day Courier Delivery
  • Translation Insurance Coverage (₺250,000)

What is included within multi-media services?

We offer the following services to our clients who require localization of their audio, video and image files:

  • Transcription (transcription of audio or video recordings )
  • Translation (translation of the transcribed video or audio file)
  • Subtitling (Synchronization of translations within the relevant sequences in the video recording so that they are displayed on the screen and prepared in the appropriate format)
  • Voice-over (dubbing of the translated video by speakers of the target language and embedding into video)
  • Video content localization (Translation of the on-screen text in the video and placement within the video in the same style and format)
  • Visual Content Localization (translation of the text on the image and placement in the same style and format.)

For more information about our services please visit our multimedia page or contact us for details!

What is machine translation? Do you use machine translation in all of your translation works?

Machine translation, which can also be called automatic translation, is the automatic translation of texts from one language into another using special programs supported by in-depth learning and artificial intelligence. We closely follow the increasing number of studies on artificial intelligence and apply the latest technologies to our translation processes. However, we separate machine translation from our traditional translation processes and do not use it for all client projects. At this stage, the criteria for using machine translation in a translation project can be listed as follows:

  • When clients ask for it
  • When the project is suitable for machine translation
  • When the output generated by the machine is good enough to be commercially usable after a few checks
  • Presence of a translation engine in the requested language pairs

Despite the advancements, there is still limited scope for machine translations in the professional world in its raw form. If a project fulfills the requirements cited above, they are translated automatically with a translation engine. Our expert translators add the finishing touches to any machine translation texts to give them maximum accuracy and precision. And this is called “post-editing”.

Is an actual person handling my project or are you using automated tools?

Completed translation projects are reviewed by a translator, editor or proofreader before delivery in order to achieve the optimum quality and fluency in the target language. If the translation has been translated with automated tools, our expert translators review the raw output before delivery to the client. Please refer to the section “What is machine translation? Do you use machine translation in all of your translation works?” for a short summary of machine translation.

Today, CAT tools are one of the most important tools that accelerate the translation process. Contrary to popular belief, translations done by these tools are not automatically done by a computer. Designed exclusively to improve productivity and quality, these tools allow translators and editors to work on a user-friendly interface. The functionalities offered by CAT tools such as translation memory, term base and quality control ensure consistency in terms of translation and style.

What stages does my project go through before it is delivered?

We follow our standard workflow procedures for all translation requests from our clients. Despite differentiations on the basis of different packages, we can briefly summarize the process from receipt of the request to delivery of the translation as follows:

  • Translation Request: The client sends us their translation request.
  • Price Quote and Approval: Our project managers make the most suitable offer to our client within the framework of the requested service and submit it for their approval.
  • Task Delegation: After approval by the client, the project manager chooses the most suitable translator and editor for the project, according to their areas of expertise.
  • Translation: The translator is allocated the task on our translation management platform, where they complete the translation of the text.
  • Editing: The translated content is forwarded to the editor over the same platform. The editor goes through the text and compares the target text against the source, making any corrections if necessary.
  • Proofreading: After the editor has checked the text, a proofreader, whose native language is the same as the target language, separately checks the target text for style, fluency, and cultural appropriateness.
  • DTP check: Once the translation and editing/proofreading steps are complete, the files are sent to DTP to give them their original format.
  • Delivery: Prepared in accordance with our zero-error policy and within the promised deadline, the translation is delivered to the client by the project manager.

I don't have a digital version of the files I need translating. Can you translate them if I send you a copy or a photo?

When there is a request for translation of documents without a digital version, prior to translation, our DTP team will prepare your files and transfer them to the digital environment. The translation process can then be carried out like any other by our linguistic experts on our translation platform and the file is delivered to the client in the requested format.

Which file formats can you work with?

We support commonly used formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .htm, .html, .idml, .svg, .xml, .xhtml, .xliff, .dita, .markdown, .csv, .epub, .srt, .strings, .pdf, .resx, .properties etc.) for software, mobile apps, websites, design projects etc. and deliver the files to our customers in their original format after translation. For more information, please contact our team.

Is the pricing based on source or target wordcounts?

We charge you based on the source wordcount, i.e. the number of words in your original text, not the number after it has been translated.


“1000 characters without spaces” is one of our unit prices used to calculate the translation fee. Each keystroke in a text corresponds to a character. 1000 characters without spaces correspond to 1000 keystrokes, including letters, numbers, and punctuation marks, with the exception of spaces.

How can I calculate how many characters my document contains?

Although there are many different methods, you can simply copy and paste the text into a Word file to see the stats (words, characters with/without spaces, etc.), which are usually shown in the bottom left-hand corner, or under Tools > Word Count. If you have files in complex formats, you can always contact us to get help with finding out the word and character counts. We calculate how big your file is by analyzing it with our special tools.

Can I get a file translated within a really short timeframe/today? Do you do urgent translations?

We always do our very best to shorten our delivery times, taking into account the volume of the files and the availability of our team. However, if you would like to get your file back on the same day or very quickly, please forward your request to our team and they will review your case.

We are not satisfied with the quality of the translation you delivered. Could you please recheck it?

Due to our commitment to quality, we strongly recommend that our clients use our translation packages that include rigorous editorial checks. These are the packages whose quality we guarantee. However, for any customer complaints, we ask our clients to clearly point out the particular areas in the translation that they’re not happy with so that we can have another look at these specific parts. It could be that there is a special reasoning behind the translation decision and it’s important that we check this with our linguists!

I need to see the quality of your translations before accepting your quote. Do you offer sample translations?

If the volume and duration of the translation project are sufficient, we offer our clients a sample translation of a text of their choice in order to prove our quality. This is usually a text of 250 words.

What is the review process for texts that are sent back to you for correction?

We only process correction requests for translations under the Gold and Pro packages. The Basic package does not include editing and therefore translations purchased under this package won’t be reviewed for correction in its entirety. We may be able to process correction requests if customers wishing for a correction also send us the following:

  • Summary of the aspects that need to be reviewed and corrected with samples
  • A list of preferred terminology, if any, if it has not been already given by the client
  • A style guide, if any, if it has not been already given by the client
  • Special instructions that need to be followed

After the translation has been checked against the above criteria, it is sent to the client with comments attached by our quality assessment department.

What is the difference between translation and localization?

Translation refers to the translation of the source text into the target language with appropriate syntax and grammatical rules. Whereas localization entails the translation of any content from one language into another while also making a particular effort to adapt the content to the culture of the target language. Or, put it this way; the act of translation focuses on the language itself and stays faithful to the source. Localization involves the linguist changing things such as units of measurements, currencies, historical and religious references, imagery, and other cultural elements so that the text will be relevant to the target audience and seem as if it was originally written by someone from that particular culture.

Does the simultaneous translation service include technical equipment?

Our price offer for our simultaneous translation services does not include any technical equipment. Our price offer for simultaneous interpreting includes the total price which we determine depending on the language pair, duration of the task and the number of interpreters used. Moreover, we offer technical equipment and technical support to our customers with our simultaneous translation system rental services.

What does OCR mean?

OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition. The content of printed documents or digital images are converted into texts by analyzing them with the OCR software. We can also process file formats such as .pdf, and .jpg with our experienced DTP team, convert them into a text file and deliver them in the specified format.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any other questions?

    + Accepted file formats for uploads are PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, RTF, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PNG, GIF, JPG, JPEG, ZIP, MP3, MID, AVI, WAW, RAR or TXT.

    + The file size must not exceed 20 MB.

    + For files in other formats or for larger file sizes, please contact us via email at [email protected].

    I have read and understood the Disclosure Text within the context of the Personal Data Protection Act.

    Client Testimonials

    Asus Logo

    “Our global company receives translation services from EDU Çeviri’s international offices. I would recommend EDU Çeviri to anyone, thanks to their new and practical solutions with their robust technical infrastructure and their kind and friendly approach to clients.”

    IKEA Logo

    “IKEA is pleased to work with EDU Çeviri for translation projects. We are able to produce great work together thanks to their ability to adapt to our language, their solution-oriented approach, readiness to take action and their uncompromising discipline.”

    Decathlon Logo

    “We have been working with EDU Çeviri since 2015 for our translation requirements. We are happy to work with EDU Çeviri and its outward-looking, dynamic, proactive, young and friendly team.”

    PWC Logo

    “First of all, we would like to thank you for your diligent work in coordinating and managing all of PwC’s translation projects since 2015. We see EDU, our first choice of a translation company, as an extension of our in-house team. I hope that our cooperation will continue in the new year on the basis of our continued harmony and mutual satisfaction.”

    MAPFRE Logo

    “We always get rapid feedback from you and you deliver our projects on time. We also thank you for always responding to our urgent, last minute translation requirements and hope that our partnership will continue.”

    TIRSAN Logo

    “Tırsan thanks EDU Çeviri for their collaborative approach and quality services for various translation projects in multiple languages.”

    Protel Logo

    “Protel Computer A.Ş. continues to work with EDU Çeviri on their journey to enter new markets. Taking ownership and always delivering on time, Edu Çeviri which has all the makings of a great translation company, deserves all of our sincerest gratitude.”

    Wyndham Logo

    “When working in hotel operations, I worked with certain advertising agencies and translation companies. And I do not remember working with a company that takes its job as seriously as you do. Congratulations. Could you please forward our gratitude to the translator who did this project?”

    Intesa Sanpaolo